If you know Christ and His resurrection power, then every problem you have is temporary. God is going to Redeem it all!

Easter is, undoubtedly, the enemy’s worst nightmare. Why? Because Easter is the day that all devils and fear-giants were put on notice; that the finished works of Christ are, in fact, the guarantee of His people. Fear can come…but fear cannot last. Pain can rise… but only for a season. Its days are literally numbered by the God who redeems all. And whatever is not redeemed in this life, will be redeemed in the next!

Can you imagine it? Can you imagine the adrenalin shot of faith that the disciples must have felt when they saw, with their own eyes, the risen Christ? Luke 24 says that the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus were having dinner with Him and didn’t recognize Him. Jesus mysteriously breaks the bread and, with it, the cloud that was fogging up their minds and suddenly, every fear that their doubting hearts had grappled with, at the death of Him, fell away at the sight of Him! You see, fear can’t hold, what isn’t afraid, no more than a grave can hold Life. Life will walk right out of a grave.

That is the sweet promise over you and the promise of Easter, for those who love His name! Christ has risen! And because Christ has risen, we will rise, too!

I have some fear-giants to offer up to the finished work of Christ this Easter Sunday. Maybe you do, too. Will they all be redeemed while we’re alive? I don’t know. But I do know this: The God who redeems will redeem. How do I know…? Because there’s a guarantee in the finished works of Christ that even a grave can’t hold down. It’s called EASTER!

Friends, let’s raise our hallelujah loud, this Sunday, to the God who redeems all!


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